Sunday, August 28, 2016

Notes to Sparty #2

Hello again. I don't know where we will be when you're reading this, but your mum and dad are currently in Amsterdam. We came here in April this year (2016) and then soon after that we got news that you were going to arrive, so, all things considered, this has been a pretty special year.  

Amsterdam is a beautiful little city in the Netherlands. When you first arrive, you might not think much of it because it's going to be cold, and most likely dark for most of the day. But, after a few short months I can promise you it will get warmer and brighter and we will take you exploring. You'll then be able to see, hear and taste all the things Amsterdam is famous for- the picture-postcard canals, the parks, people on cycles, beautiful music in the squares, old buildings, cheese, waffles, and all kinds of other magical things. There's also little rabbits, parrots and ducks to show you. I am sure you will love it as much as we do.

   I have already locked you away in a corner of my heart

Of course, Amsterdam is just one city out of hundreds of cities on this beautiful planet. Your mum and I have been to some of them, but there is so much more left to see. So we can explore new places together! Every time you think you've seen it all, you'll see something else that will take your breath away all over again. 

There's also a few special places you're going to be going to very soon. One of them is Hong Kong where your mum grew up, and where you currently have an uncle and an aunty; the other is London where you have grandparents, grand-uncles, uncles, cousins and all manner of people excitedly waiting to see you. You would probably have seen all of them before you read this, but it's possible you don't yet know who they all are and that's fine. For now, just know that they all love you, just as we do.  

And then there's India. I'll need a few hundred blog posts to tell you about India, and even that won't be enough. One day you will experience it yourself, and your life will never be the same again. 

Love, your dad

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